Sunday, July 22, 2007

When Stress is Positive?

Individual Categories
By: Ubaydillah, AN
Jakarta, 22.06.2007

Stress the positive and negative stress

According to the definition issued by the Canadian Center for Occupational Health & Safety (1997-2006), stress is the pressure from the outside that can make a person feel depressed. Pressure can make people classified as stress is a pressure-threatening nature (threaten), pressures are scary or horrific (scare), the pressures are worrying (worry), the pressures that are painful or piercing (prod).

Such stress can occur in various areas of life. Therefore, the term appears no different. People will be referred to the financial stress when experiencing financial stress. People will be called the family stress (family stress) if the corresponding faces divorce, relationships are not harmonious, and experiencing a variety of chaos in the household. People will be called if the relevant job stress facing many demands or work tasks that do not match with his skill. People will be called when experiencing stress related problems in the association. And so on and so forth.

The question is, is there anything positive stress? Honestly we need to admit that when talking about “feelings”, of course does not exist. Yang stressed that his name would not taste good. Positive aspects of stress that we will find when seen from its usefulness, and our willingness to use it. Based on these two things and then came the explanation that the stress will be positive if:

First, the levels are proportional. The point here is not too heavy nor too light. Can we imagine our lives if such is just smooth-smooth, smooth-smooth course, fine. Usually, this is all a big potential to make us feel too comfortable. Feeling too comfortable these dynamics often become a threat, progressiveness and creativity.

Conversely, too. If for example we live too much pressure, squeezing and issues, even this menace. Too much pressure to make our minds can not see a gap enlightening work. Too much squeezing makes us feel it deserves to surrender. When thoughts and feelings can not be resolved, then came the so-called depression. So, too little stress is as bad as too much stress.

Second, there is a constructive attitude (build). Attitude here is how we respond to that pressure. Here the response is usually associated with whether we will see that pressure as the pressure or do we view it as a challenge (challenge). The challenge is something that encourages us to answer them or to move forward with it. This is different from the pressure. Pressure is something that sandwich.

By looking at the pressure as a challenge, then the function can be said that stress the positive in it for our development. One positive is the increasing self-confidence. If for example we were able to prove the success we achieve in answering that challenge, this will bring self-confidence is higher.

With answer challenge we will gain knowledge of our capabilities. The more accurate our knowledge of the capabilities that we have means the more good for our confidence in ourselves. People are still often not confident in facing the problems of living that does not mean do not have the ability. What often happens is less accurate evaluation of their ability. To find out how accurate this really is to do directly.

Third, there is a transformation process that we go. Transformation is what I mean here is the ability to convert potential energy of the original negative into a positive actual energy. Max More (1993) says, the transformation is a process that could increase the “personal entropy” (the capacity to develop).

As an example let’s say we have failed to cause stress. If we accept this failure as a failure and we let it pass you by failure, usually it only lashed us with a variety of pressure and pain. But if a bad event we make a material to improve themselves, then the result becomes positive even though it was not felt immediately and occurs. It’s a lot of people who could do the transformation for the suffering they experienced weight becomes exciting output.

Managing suppressors

Because of the difficulty of life is to avoid the coming of suppressors, to the extent there is a statement that it goes like this: “Only death can end the stress.” This expression is of course the intention is to invite us to think in a more healthy to stress. That is, because we can not avoid the emergence of suppressors, then you need here is to manage it in order not to damage, so minimum.

Well, the steps that management might be able to do it, among others:

First, know and realize (controls). At first glance seem trivial but it’s actually here is the first step to superimposition commencement of that stress. Know we’re here means that the stress was pocketed knowledge we can use to improve themselves so long to use it. Aware here means we really need to remember that stress is we use to improve themselves.

Most of us are not able to use stress to the positive things because they do not realize, careless, forgot or could not control myself. If it lasts a while (respondents), may be exactly human, but when it lasts too long and was to cause distress or depression, of course is related to our ability to recognize and control the self.

Know, consciously or control an important element here because with this level of stress that proportionality be relatively more intact. This is related to what we have seen in the first point above. To proportionality stress concentration was needed mental or emotional control. A relatively minor stress or can be a great (wild) if we do not mind controlled. Conversely, the greater levels of suppressors may be made not so long as our inner-controlled large.

Second, learn to distinguish “CUA”. This acronym I borrow from a variety of explanations about personality. C is a Change (changed), U is Unchanged (fixed), and A is Avoid (avoid). You could say this was a requirement to be able to address the suppressors that come in a more constructive.

With a broader perspective we can say that sometimes a stress or that can still be something that we change and sometimes be something that can not be / difficult to change, either because it is not at all or have not been able to today. Sometimes the stress that arises because we want to change something that can not be changed or want to change something that actually we do not have the ability to change it now.

This usually led to a waiver of the things that can still be changed and it is in front of our eyes. Examples that can still be changed is our planning on the next day to create solutions and anticipating a better, our emotions, our attitude, our response, and others. While examples of suppressors that are not can be changed is the pressure that has happened in the past. We can mining on other things wider.

Besides need to distinguish between C & U, which is not less important is the conduct of A (avoidance / anticipation). If we do not want wracked by various suppressors, is said to avoid things that bring potential suppressors. So basically, change what can still be changed or it should be changed, do not change something that can not be changed or modified during this difficult, then avoid the things that are potentially stressful.

Third, grab as a signal for change. This is the first step to perform the transformation process. If we want to improve themselves from the emergence of suppressors, then the question we need to come up with is, what kind of positive changes have occurred within me so that I hideous situation better?

So that changes are not simply “spirit”, it is advisable to make clear goals (what we want to achieve), these programs are clear (what we need to do), and stage-stages are real (we could run today with the resources we have). A common, if anything interfere with our lives, whether it or other suppressors, can we perceive as a sign that we need change. Recognizing this will encourage the transformation process.

According to the theory of competence, the steps above are fundamental elements to teach / improve adult competence (Competence at Work, 1993). Usually referred to as Self-Directed Change Theory (SDCT). This theory teaches about how we can transform himself into a better direction than the fact of life that are less supportive of, say a kind of stress.

According to that theory, would change if the adults are in the condition below:

· Dissatisfied with the actual conditions faced by the (actual)

· Got a clear picture of who wants to achieve the ideal conditions (ideal)

· Have a clear concept of what will be done to move from the actual conditions to ideal conditions (Action Step)

In essence, stress what can we make tools to improve themselves so long to use it. Maybe there is a direct effect and there is no immediate or felt. This is more positive than if we only stress-out by various stressed.

Career Resilience

For people who work, career or any profession, the ability to manage stress becomes important. The reason is very obvious in front of us. Not possible job, career or profession that we step it provides an ideal condition for good, and every time. Indeed, it is often raised is the conditions less than ideal or a source of suppressors.

Therefore, many ideas from experts in the field of career which states that the requirement that career advancement is the resilience (toughness). Rutter (1987) define “resilience” as a positive pole of individual differences in responding to stress or suffering. This means that a person is resilient or not, it’s purely our choice, not innate. Whoever we are and whatever our background, both have the same opportunity to become a resilient person as long as willing to learn.

General characteristics of these resilient people who, according to Fox (1995), among others:

§ They chose the decision to move forward. They avoid the decision to stop or rewind (stepping forward).

§ They have the ability to absorb the positive lessons behind the chaos (learning from chaos)

§ They have the ability in selecting material that step by vstep (selective learner).

§ They think in terms of opportunity, ability, possibility and away from thoughts of limitation, lack, or incapacity (opportunity and possibility approach)

§ They have the urge to produce a unique difference (creative people).

§ They bring a lot of alternatives and options to be able to arrive at the intended target (explorer people)

§ They have the strong conviction that he is able to achieve what is desired (the “I can” Mental Attitude)

Well, the above explanation can we make one reference in daily practice. Abraham Moses there is a saying that may be important to remember: “You must prepare yourself in the ever-changing world of work. The only thing you can count on is the expertise, flexibility, and capacity to adapt to change” Hopefully this can we practice.

Hopefully Helpful.


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