Monday, June 7, 2010


In the book description Zubdatul Wa'idhin found that once Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad and warned them,''Those who repent about a year before death, then their repentance at receive it.''Then the Apostle said: O Gabriel'' , a year was not a moment for my people. In a long time, perhaps they have turned, at length chimera. Is it possible that they delivered from sin?''

Angel Gabriel left the Prophet Muhammad. A moment later he came back again. ''O Muhammad, unto the Lord hath said, 'He who a month before death would repent, then will their repentance be accepted',''Gabriel said.

O''Gabriel, a month's time for my Ummah is also too long,''said the Prophet. Gabriel went away and soon returned. ''O Muhammad, unto the Lord said, 'He who repents for about an hour before he died, then their repentance be accepted'.''

''One hour was too long for my people,''replied the Prophet. Gabriel went and soon it was back again. ''O Muhammad, Allah convey greetings to you. Then said, 'He who all his life wrestling with the vices, and has not returned to Me before death, about a year or a month, a day or one hour, until his spirit in throat, he can not say or make excuses and regret in his heart, forgive me he will '.''

That's the grace of God. That is His wisdom. If anyone would truly repent, He will forgive him. However, let us not then made light of repentance so that we continue to procrastinate. We do not know when death. Can we plan on the day after tomorrow repent, but what if the angel Azazel come tomorrow morning.

God is wise, however, do not look easy to the problem of penance. Man is the place of wrong and sin. If repentance delayed, soiling the heart will grow. Finally, we are far from the guidance. If much of the guidance, someone getting lazy to repent.

Therefore, fear of sin must be embedded in the liver. The realization that sin was a bad impact on the soul should really ponder. If that feeling is rooted in our hearts, we will be compelled to do penance and certainly would not put it off. Waallahu knows best. (Al Imam)



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