Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is the Hospital-in-a-Box the Way to Better Health Care?

From Fox Business News.

"Jon Weiner's hospitals are a far cry from what you might be used to. There are no lengthy admissions forms to fill in. And the service you get might remind you of a five-star hotel. The cost? No more than any other hospital. The catch? They are all overseas."


"Our first hospital in the UK has the highest patient satisfaction rates of any hospital in England," said Weiner, whose company operates five specialty hospitals in the UK, one in Cyprus as a partnership with the American Heart Institute and last January opened the doors on a new $100-million facility in Botswana, Africa.

"Given how we are operated we can basically become much more profitable than local providers because in fact we're significantly more efficient."

Just by being fully digital, he was able to save himself the cost of 100 employees, and has also managed through other means to speed up surgeries, and the number of surgeries performed each day.

I imagine the HCR law will be bringing this to our shores soon.


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