Saturday, December 4, 2010

Living "Small"--Not About the Tiny House Movement

Living small: minimizing the impact on resources—yours and the planet’s. It has nothing to do with the size of anything in particular; it has more to do with what you do without to get along just fine day-to-day.

Here are some examples of living small:

· No cell phone--saves money and keeps your life intrusion-free.

· No dishwasher--washing dishes really doesn't take that long, especially when you have help.

· Few coupons--they take a LOT of time to cut, sort, and file, and not very many are useful.

· No microwave--these cost money, like a dishwasher, and it's an excuse for not cooking from scratch.

· No cable--television is the biggest time- and money-sucker in the US.

· No lawn watering--the grass is still alive, just dormant. Watering costs more, takes time, and makes your grass weak and less resilient as it 'learns' to expect water.

· No unproductive relationships--if someone is just a drain on you, cut bait. Emotional vampires drain your energy.

Living small has nothing to do with storage space, buying less, or living single. It has to do with ways to preserve your personal time, energy, and ultimately, money. What can YOU do to lessen your consumption footprint in your life—what would you rather do without to gain time, energy, money, or satisfaction?


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