Monday, March 5, 2012

Tommy Thompson, Jeff Fitzgerald Cower from Press in Face of Contraception Vote

Following is the statement of Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Mike Tate after Senate hopefuls Tommy Thompson, a Washington lobbyist, and Jeff Fitzgerald, a Scott Walker lackey, made themselves scarce for comment on today's vote on the "Blunt Amendment" to deny women contraceptive health insurance coverage.
I never thought I'd live to see the day when Tommy Thompson would avoid an open microphone or Jeff Fitzgerald would resist the urge to preen before cameras, but when it comes to discussing their support for a move to send women's rights back into the 1800s, the dynamic duo have become oddly silent.
Mark Neumann's position in support of the amendment is unconscionable, but at least he's honest about putting corporate CEOs and insurance executives in charge of women's health care."


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