Monday, June 7, 2010


On a sweltering day a traveler intends to find a place to shelter. Soon he will release kepenatannya after a half day trip. Not long later met a shady banyan trees and lush fruit.

Leaning his body which had felt heavy in the trunk of the banyan tree. While lying ditebarkannya views into a rice field in front of him. Watermelon fruit looks at the ball lying in the rice-field.

In order to see these sights, the traveler alone muttering,''It's not fair God. Banyan tree which was so solid and strong for it to bear fruit only grapes. While the tree is so small watermelon and crunchy fruit of the ball.''Tertidurlah Soon he was under a banyan tree.

Suddenly there was a fruit of banyan tree fell right on the head of the traveler. He woke up. In his heart, he said,''If only it was a banyan fruit of a watermelon fruit somehow the situation if it fell on people who take shelter under it. Truly God Mahaadil over everything.''Saying istigfar many times to beg forgiveness of Him for having dared to say that God is unfair.

The story may be very simple. Many people have never heard or read these stories. However, unfortunately only a few people who can take a lesson.

Often people prejudiced to God for all the bad things that happen to him. Sometimes even dare to blaspheme Him by saying that God is unfair that there is to lose faith in God at all.

Good or bad things that should be resting on the rules that God has revealed to mankind (Koran). As we all know, human beings are full of limitations and weaknesses.

Often in assessing everything humans put more emphasis on the element of feeling alone. Not surprisingly, prejudices arising from bad to God, if that is in front of / endured was not in accordance with that expected.

Though God has spoken clearly,''Maybe you hate something, but it is very good for you, and perhaps you hate something, but it is very good for you. Allah is All-knowing, and you do not.''(Sura Al-Baqarah: 216)

So everything that exists in the world, there must be a good side that could be taken by humans, although in his view, very bad because God knows better what is best for His servants. Humans should not say that God is unfair. Surely nothing could exceed the Mahaadilan God. (ERI Fitriati)



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