Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kindliness at all of Event

Kindliness at all of Event
[Is] everything created for the purpose of and target of hidden. Together with target hidden this there are some advantage to a mukmin in all event. This matter because of Allah reside in religious people who side and have never disappointed them
Initially, visible struggle for life unpleasantly. However, a moslem have to understand that occurence which fearful seems, the example, collusion of heathen fight against the faithful, will end in victory to the faithful. Sooner or later, Allah will give cheapness of His liver, so that the faithful have to sure that there are hikmah at all of occurence.
In this case, there are a lot of example [of] which [is] contained in Al-Qur`An; life of Prophet of Yusuf a.s. [is] one of [the] among is remarkable. [At] [his] babyhood, Prophet of Yusuf a.s. thrown to well base by its yous. Hereinafter, he [is] saved, [is] later;then libeled and served a sentence [by] although he not guilty. To one who is impious, all that event [is] suspected [by] biggest accident. However, Yusuf A.S. always think that this matter earn happened only with Allah will;desire of swt. and all that surely will turn into betterly. Proven in the reality, Allah alter " disaster" becoming bliss. Prophet of Yusuf a.s. success get away from prison and at the (time) of which at the same time become the the governor in place.
Story Prophet of Yunus a.s. [do] not differ. He run away to mercantile marine, where to maintain its place, he bet many. When its proven bet [do] not profit, he [is] thrown to sea and swallowed [by] giant fish. Explained in Al-Qur`An that he [is] then saved and sent to " nation one hundred thousand people or more" just because he praise Allah
" Hence if estimating he/she [do] not the including people who considering many Allah, undoubtedly he will linger on [in] stomach of that fish until day awaken. Later;Then We throw him


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