Thursday, June 3, 2010

Not Enrich Our self

By: Nasril Zainun

Two Caliphs of Bani Umaiyah, Umar bin Abdul Aziz, and Abdul Malik bin Marwan, is an example of the ruler who really put people's interests than the interests of themselves and their family. Caliph Umar (ruled in 717-720 AD) even very much afraid of God using state facilities for their own interests.

When it comes relatives or his personal guests to the palace at night, for example, Caliph Umar turned off the lights and replace them with state-owned oil lamp (lamps outboard) dendiri hers. The reason, the visitor comes to personal affairs and not to matters of state.

Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz was strictly separated between state and private interests. No wonder when it dies, his property was even more reduced. Almost the same thing is also experienced by the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan (65-86 H or 685-705 AD). The latter is known in history as the ruler who 'iffah (very careful to maintain themselves). He died leaving 12 children without leaving the property whatsoever.

By his death, the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan summoned 12 children gathered around him. For a moment all the children staring deeply, then she looks up with tears on her cheeks melted. He said:''O my sons! Me to leave you in the choice between leaving you or your father is indigent go to hell, then I choose to leave you destitute.''

Advanced Caliph,''O my sons! May Allah preserve you and give you sustenance, I really trust, you leave it to God. And, God is a refuge of pious people.''

When there was a friendly witness and sorry, her name Maslamah. To the Deputy diserahkannyalah 40 dinars to the caliph of money handed out to her children. Maslamah said,''This I do sincerely from my heart.''.

But the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan replied,''I advise thee (O Maslamah) so that the money that you handed over to me to be distributed to my children was taken back and immediately hand it to whom you took the money used to be cruel.''

What did the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz and the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan, exemplified in line with what the Prophet SAW. When all the wives he felt entitled and demanding part of the spoils of war, Allah does not grant it.

That's all according to the Quranic verse that came down to him (Al-Ahzab: 28-29):''O Prophet! And say to all of your wife, if you want a life and jewelry world, let me give it to you and I divorce you with a good divorce. And, if you want Allah and His messenger and the village Hereafter, verily Allah has provided a great reward for those who do good of you.''

Source: Republika Online


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