Monday, June 7, 2010

Starting From Dreams

The reality today is yesterday's dream
(Ash Imam Shaheed Hasan Al Banna),

My Best Friend ...
If you want to read historical biographies of prominent figures. Then you'll discover that what they have created originated from a dream.

When I searched for names of people who can recognize and turn the dream, I think of the visionary and pioneer Henry Ford's car. He stated, "All the secrets of successful living is to discover what determined the fate of us, and then do it."

Other people dare to dream and their success. Beethoven's world will bring great ability in music when he made a number of symphonies, and this happened after he lost his hearing. Charles Dickens was once dreamed of becoming a writer and eventually he became a novelist whose book most widely read man in England in Victorian times - even though he was born in a poor family.

Thomas Edison's dream of a lamp that can be turned on with electricity, starting from where he stood to convert his dream into action. And although he met more than ten thousand failures, he still holds fast to his dream until he made a physical reality. Practical Dreamers never give up!

The Wright brothers dreamed of a machine that could fly through the air. Now every one can see evidence in the whole world that their dreams become reality.

Marconi dreamed of a system for controlling the power of the invisible ether. Evidence that is not in vain dream can be found on every radio and television around the world. Maybe you are interested to know that "friends" Marconi sent to him in parentheses and in check in a psychiatric hospital when he announced that he has discovered principles that can be used to send news through the air without the aid of wires or any other direct physical means of communication .

According to Jhon C. Maxwell, a dream can do many things to us:
First, the dream shows us the direction. He can act as a compass, telling us which direction to go. Until we recognize the right direction, we will never know if we really step is progress. Steps we might take us backwards rather than forwards. If you move to any direction other than toward your dream, you will lose the opportunities necessary to achieve success.

Second, the dream of improving our power. Without dreams, we may have to fight hard to see the power that is within us because we can not see the situation outside of our current situation. But with dreams, we begin to view ourselves in a new light, because it has greater strength and able to stretch and grow to achieve it. Any chance we meet, every resource we have, every talent that we develop, become part of our power to grow toward that dream. The bigger the dream, the greater the strength.

Third, the dream of helping us determine the priorities. Dreams give us hope for the future, and he also gives us the power at the moment. Dreams make us prioritize everything we do. Someone who has dreams of knowing what will or should be given up in order to get ahead. He is able to measure all things he was doing what to help or hinder the dream, it has focused on the things that brought him closer to that dream and give little attention to things otherwise.

Fourth, the dream of adding value to our work. dream of putting everything we do into perspective. Even tasks that are not fun to add value as we know it contributes to the fulfillment of dreams. Each activity is an important part in the larger picture.

Fifth, our dreams predict the future. when we have dreams, we're not only spectators who sat in the back and expect everything to change to improve. We must actively participate in shaping our lives purpose and meaning. The winds of change do not just blow in here and there. Our dreams, when followed, perhaps once a predictor of our future.

My Best Friend ...
There is a difference between an object and mengangankan ready to accept it. No one was ready for something until he's sure will get it. State of mind must be full of confidence rather than hope or mengangankan. Open state of mind is very important for confidence. Closed mind does not inspire confidence courage, or faith.



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